ClubGG App is a platform designed by and for poker lovers. Developed by GGPoker, the world’s largest poker network, this is an app that needs no introduction.

This platform to play online poker with friends is revolutionizing the poker app industry. Do you want to know why? Don’t miss this ClubGG App review where we will detail important aspects such as:

How does ClubGG work


The first step is, unsurprisingly, to download ClubGG App. Available for any mobile device, both Android and iOS users can play poker through this app. In addition, you can download and install the desktop software, available for Windows 10.

We leave you the links so you can easily download ClubGG App:

To download ClubGG App for PC, go to the official website.


Once you have downloaded the platform, the next step is to create an account. If you already have an account, you can log in via Facebook, Google or Apple ID. If it is your first time, click on “Register now”. A form will be displayed for you to fill in. Include information such as: Country, Account (email), Password and Password Confirmation. Once you have completed these steps, a verification email will be sent to your email address. At this point, verify your email to complete the account creation process.

Then, go back to the app to choose your nickname and avatar with which other users will identify you. Remember that you can change it at any time.


It’s time to join the best ClubGG App clubs. How to join a club? It’s as simple as this: click on “Find club” that you will see on the home screen. Enter the club ID and, if necessary, the “referrer” code.

The club ID corresponds to a 6-digit number. Contact the club administrator to find out what it is. Then click on Search. Once you find it, request your entry to the club.

Remember the IDs for the best ClubGG clubs!


ID: 811072

Now that you know how to download ClubGG App and how to join one of its clubs, we explain more details about how does ClubGG App works to make your use of the platform even easier. Pay attention to the information we have compiled in this ClubGG App so that you can enjoy your passion for cards without problems.

Multitabling at ClubGG

Multitable gaming is possible in ClubGG. If you want to experience the excitement of the multi-table format at ClubGG, download the app and play up to 4 tables simultaneously. However, if you prefer, you can install the platform on your PC and use a simulator. In this device, you will be able to play up to 3 tables simultaneously.

Multi-tabling in ClubGG multiplies the excitement of the games. Whether you are a casual player or a regular poker player, the MTT format sharpens your decisions and boosts your decision-making ability, as you will have to follow the action on up to 4 tables simultaneously.

If you are a beginner, we encourage you to multi-table at ClubGG starting with two tables. As you become more comfortable, try this format on 3 tables at the same time and end up demonstrating all your skill by playing on 4 tables simultaneously.

How's the ClubGG Rake

As a club application, the administrators of each club have the freedom to establish the rake structure they consider.

This commission varies between 3%-5%. As for the betting limits (caps), they range from 0.1BB-3BB, and you can even find tables with no limits. At this point, it is worth reminding users to be cautious about tables without caps.

Advantages of playing at GlubGG

ClubGG app is backed by the largest poker network, benefiting from the fame and popularity of GGPoker. Thus, we find important advantages of playing in ClubGG that make it stand out from the rest of the apps.


Despite its short life, it is certain that the ClubGG App will enjoy massive traffic in a short time, allowing it to offer tables available to play at any time.

Wide range of games

From the classic Texas Hold'em and Omaha to Open Face Chinese or Five Card Omaha, among others, enjoy a wide variety of games in ClubGG.


ClubGG App is equipped with advanced security features to detect any type of malicious or fraudulent action. In addition, players can easily communicate with the app support through in case of any problem.


Don't forget that the Club GGPoker App is backed by GGNetwork, which ensures the reliability and security of this platform. In addition, it is RNG certified.

ClubGG Tournaments

The ClubGG App offers exclusive events that open the door to tournament series such as WSOP Europe, WSOP Circuit Events, MSPT, Contenders, Card Player Cruises and Battle of Malta.

Every day, ClubGG App organizes events with up to $10,000 guaranteed and that also open the door to the most prestigious tournaments of the moment.

Is ClubGG legit?

As a free app, it does not require a gaming license, but, as we have mentioned, the platform has the RNG certificate, which guarantees fairness in the distribution of cards, ensuring fair play.

In addition, the app is backed by GGNetwork, so reliability is more than assured. However, as a club platform, it is necessary to distinguish between the security of the app itself and the reliability of the club administrators.

Remember that, in case of playing with real money in the app’s clubs, you have to be sure of the integrity of the club administrator himself. Be wary of depositing money in clubs of which you have no reference, since the person in charge of managing your funds is not ClubGG, but the administrator.


ID: 811072

The best ClubGG clubs

ClubGG App hosts a good variety of clubs that you can join. Fun is guaranteed in any of them and with the promising future that awaits this platform, the availability of tables will be constant at any time of the day.

It is worth remembering that, as far as deposits and withdrawals from the ClubGG app are concerned, it will be the club administrators themselves who will be in charge of carrying out these transactions. Therefore, it is vital that you bet on safe and transparent clubs with the movements of the funds you deposit.

Do not trust any list of ClubGG App clubs to join and follow our recommendations to guarantee the safety of your money. Below, we present you the best ClubGG app clubs where you can play online poker with total peace of mind:

QQ Club

ID: 811072
App: ClubGG
Union Israel Poker Kingdom
Games: Texas, Omaha, Mixed games, MTT,, SNG, OFC