Poker unions: what are they and the advantages of joining one?

Although there is a romanticized image of poker as a game of lone wolves who can do anything, and although it is not a game of cooperative competitions, in reality it is a game of social character where interaction with other users can alter the experience for the better, allowing you to enjoy poker with friends or make new friendships on the online poker platforms.

The best way is through the clubs, especially if these clubs are integrated in a system that several clubs that are called union, and that offer multiple advantages to its members.

What is a poker union

A poker union is nothing more than a grouping of clubs. Just as any single player can apply to join a club, clubs can create joint associations to be grouped under the umbrella of the same platform that encompasses them.

This is how poker unions are born, which magnify the advantages of the clubs and allow raising the level of interaction between users, as well as expanding the game options and security guarantees. But we will talk about this later.

A poker union is, therefore, a system of clubs that, despite operating independently, contribute their players to the club to expand the number of users, as well as add their game modes and tables to the union’s game offer. What does the club gain? The club gains more possibilities to facilitate matchmaking for all its members. What does the union gain? Expand its game offer and number of users.

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Advantages of joining a poker union

There are many advantages that poker syndicates offer to players looking for a place to play safely and securely without having to wait to find an active table. One of the most pressing problems of the newly created poker platforms is the low activity they present at the beginning, making the meeting of organic players much more difficult.

Through the system of club unification, members of each club can benefit from the game modalities of all the clubs that form the union, as well as enjoy a secure environment to make every transaction and deposit.

As far as security is concerned, being part of a union is the best way to be absolutely certain that there are no loopholes that affect the smooth running of the games. By providing each member of the union with the certainty that they have everything they need to make their withdrawals and deposits with absolute guarantees, the gaming experience is enhanced.

All types of clubs have a place in poker unions. It doesn’t matter if you decide to approach your membership from the point of view of enjoying the game in an already existing club or if you prefer to create one from scratch to customize the parameters of the experience. All types of clubs can be part of a union, with all that that entails.

In addition to the advantages of game variety and security, there is the obvious increase in organic traffic, which not only improves the user experience by reducing waiting times when joining a table, but also makes the games much more authentic by concentrating only and exclusively real users at the tables so that everyone enjoys the best possible experience.

So, advantages of a poker club joining a union:

  • More variety of games.
  • More organic traffic, with real users at the tables.
  • Reduced waiting times when joining a game.
  • More secure transactions.

Why join a union and not let the club run autonomously?

Making the leap from being a lone wolf to being part of a poker club is, by itself, a pretty big step forward. The advantages offered by clubs are similar to those provided by poker unions, although not as magnified. The main difference is the scope of the advantages, which in the union are much more noticeable as they affect all the clubs that are part of it, and that operate under its umbrella.

There is no obligation whatsoever to introduce the club into a union, although because of the enormous advantages it brings, it is highly recommended. Being part of a poker union has only advantages, the handicaps are practically null for integrating it into a union, so it is something you should consider if you manage a poker club and want to go a step further in the experience that your club offers to its players.

Poker unions: what are they and the advantages of joining one?